Teen Patti Zone

Teen Patti Zone

Teen Patti Zone is a real earning application. you can earn money by playing Teen Patti and Rummy games. So download the Teen Patti Zone APK ...

Android Android 5.0Card
5 ( 379 ratings )
Price: $0
Name Teen Patti Zone
Publisher Lamanie Studio
Genre Card
Size 42 MB
Last Update 10 January 2024
Get it On Google Play
Mod Version
Total installs 56000+
Teen Patti Zone is the most famous version in the Teen Patti Zone series of publisher Lamanie Studio
There are no mode apps available because it is a very high security.

Teen Patti Zone is a real earning application. With the help of this, real money can be earned by playing online Teen Patti and Rummy games. If you also want to earn real money by playing online games. So download Teen Patti Zone APK.

Teen Patti Zone is an online gaming platform. Where you will get to play only games related to real money. You can earn real money by playing these games. You can also transfer the money earned from this app to your bank.

As soon as you create an account on this app, you will get a sign-up bonus of ₹15. With which you can earn real money by playing any real game available on this app. And you can also transfer that earned money to your bank.

About Teen Patti Zone APK

Teen Patti Zone Apk Download
Teen Patti Zone Apk Download

Teen Patti Zone APK is an online application. Which is easily found on Google. On this app, you can play only games related to real money. As soon as you download this app and create your account, you will get ₹ 15 as a sign-up bonus. With this money, you can earn real money on this app and can also transfer it to your bank.

That is, 3Patti Zone is one such app. On which you can earn real money by playing games. And you can also withdraw that earned money in your bank.

How to download Teen Patti Zone APK

Downloading Teen Patti Zone APK is very easy. You can download Teen Patti Zone app on your smartphone by following some steps given below.

Download Now
Download Now
  • First, click on the Download Now link given above.
  • Now the version of this app will be written in front of you along with its size will also be written.
  • You have to click on this button.
  • By doing this, the download link of this app will be generated. Now you have to click on the download link of the Teen Patti Zone App.
  • After doing this, the Teen Patti Zone APK will start downloading on your mobile.

How to create an account on the Teen Patti Zone app

Teen Patti Zone Registration
Teen Patti Zone Registration

Creating an account on the Teen Patti Zone app is very easy. To create an account on this app, you have to follow a very simple process. The way, accounts are created on other Teen Patti and Rummy apps. In the same way, an account is created on the Teen Patti Zone APK also.

  • First, open the Teen Patti Zone app on your mobile. Now a registration page will appear in front of you.
  • Here you have to enter your mobile number and click on OTP.
  • As soon as you do this, an OTP will come to your mobile number.
  • Fill this OTP and click on the Verify button.
  • As soon as you do this, your account will be created on this app.

All are available on the Teen Patti Zone App

3 Patti Zone App
3 Patti Zone App

All those games are available on this app, which is available on Teen Patti Jodi and Teen Patti Clan app. Whose list is given below.

  • Teen Patti
  • Rummy
  • Solo Poker
  • Andarf Bahar
  • Dragon V//S Tiger
  • 7 Up Down
  • Baccarat

Key Features of the Teen Patti Zone App

Teen Patti Zone has many features. But here we are telling them about the features. Because of this app is becoming so popular.

smooth gameplay

This is the most important feature of this app. When you play any game on this app, the game runs like water. Because this app is very lightweight. That is why it runs smoothly even on slow internet connections.

user interface

Teen Patti Zone is also becoming very popular because of its user interface. The user interface of this app is made with a combination of red and yellow colours. Which looks very wonderful. For this reason, people like to play games on this app for a longer time.

Instant Withdrawal

An instant Withdrawal facility is provided on the Teen Patti Zone App. That is if you withdraw some rupees on this app. So it will come to your bank account in just a few seconds. For this reason, this app is rapidly making its mark among the people. Because most people like to play games on such apps which provide instant withdrawal.

Win Real Money

People also like the Teen Patti Zone app because of all the money they win on this app. He can send them directly to his bank account. That’s why people play games on Teen Patti Zone to create a source of extra income.


In today’s time, those gaming apps are more successful. On which many games are available. Because in today’s time, no one likes to play a game. He plays many games for a short period. That is why in this world of competition, only those apps can come out ahead on which the facility of multiple variations is available.\ Because there are many games available on the Teen Patti Zone app also. Due to this, people like to play this app more

sign up bonus

This app is also becoming very popular because of its sign-up bonus. Because when you create your account on this app. So you will get free cash of ₹ 15. With this, you can play any game present on this game. You can also transfer the winning money to your bank.

Low Withdrawal amount

Most people are eager to withdraw their earned money from the bank. That’s why they keep looking for such apps. Where they have the freedom to withdraw less money. For this reason, people like the Teen Patti Zone app more. Because on this app also there is a minimum withdrawal of only ₹ 100. That is, if you win ₹ 100 on this, you can also withdraw it in your bank.

Zero fraud guarantee

You get a guarantee of zero fraud on this app. If any user tries to do any kind of disturbance in the app, then the company immediately disables that person’s account. So that the person does not try to do anything wrong in this app.

Refer Program

Teen Patti Zone Refer And Earn
Teen Patti Zone Refer And Earn

If you refer your friends to this app, you will get 10% of their total recharge as a commission for a lifetime.

Suppose your referral adds one lakh forms to this game to play the game. So you will get ₹ 10000 as commission immediately. Which you can also transfer to your bank. That is why Teen Patti John Up is one of the best refer and earn apps. Therefore, we have also included this app in our list of the best referral and teen Patti apps.

If you earn money by referring, then the Teen Patti zone Work Program can bring you a lot of benefits. Therefore, download 3 Patti Zone application by clicking on the download now button given below and join its referral program.

Teen Patti Zone Mod APK

The dream of making Teen Patti Zone Mod APK has remained a dream. Because the ultra-security layer has now been installed on this app. Because of this, this app has become even more secure. For this reason, no person can become Teen Patti Zone’s Mod APK.

How to add money to the Teen Patti Zone App

Teen Patti Zone Add Cash
Teen Patti Zone Add Cash

You can add money in the 3 Patti Zone App. For this, you will have to follow the procedure given below.

  • First, click on the add button visible on the dashboard.
  • As soon as you do this, many amounts will be written in front of you.
  • Now, from here, you have to choose this amount.
  • The amount you want to add to your wallet.
  • After this, click on the Add Cash button given below.
  • Now you will be redirected to the payment page.
  • Here, you can make payments through any online payment gateway.
  • As soon as your payment is successful, money will come into Game Bullet.

withdrawal process

You can withdraw money very easily on this app. For this, you will have to follow the points mentioned below.

  • First, click on the Withdraw button visible on the dashboard.
  • Now you have to add your banking details.
  • After this, you have to select the amount you want to transfer to your bank.
  • And then now click on the Proceed button given below.
  • As soon as you do this, your withdrawal will start, and the money will come to your bank account within some time.

Why choose the Teen Patti Zone App?

In today’s time, there are a lot of fraud apps. No real Teen Patti apps are easily available. Most of the apps eat the user’s money, and they do not get even a single penny back. That is why you can select the Teen Patti Zone App. Because this is a real app played with real money.

You can earn real money by playing online games. You can also withdraw your earned money from your bank. If you are fond of online gaming, then definitely download Teen Patti Zone APK.


Teen Patti Zone is an online gaming app. Many games related to Teen Patti and Rummy are available. Anyone can earn real money by playing these games. And you can also transfer your winning money to the bank. If you are also fond of playing online rummy or Teen Patti, then download Teen Patti Zone app now by clicking on the download now button.

Other Teen Patti And Rummy Apps

Shadow teen Patti Click Here
Wild Wins Casino Click Here
Jhandi Munda King Click Here
Teen Patti Sweet  Click Here
Teen Patti Genius Click Here
Other Teen Patti/Rummy Apps


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Teen Patti Zone

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Download (42 MB)

You are now ready to download Teen Patti Zone for free. Here are some notes:

  • This app contains elements of financial risk.
  • Therefore, downloading this app on your responsibility and the website or publisher will not be held responsible for it.
  • Download this app only if you are 18+.
  • If the download link does not work, then please let us know through comments. We will provide the download link for you as soon as possible.

All Versions

Teen Patti Zone
Teen Patti Zone apk
January 12, 2024 42 MB

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